The Liberal Dictatorship


Welcome to the age of the Liberal dictatorship.

Liberalism stands for freedom and tolerance, whereas dictatorship cannot stand dissent. They do not and cannot go hand in hand, so we are led to believe. As the words "Liberal" and "dictatorship" are antonyms, putting them together amounts to an oxymoron.

And yet, since February 2022, we have been witnessing the rise of the Liberal dictatorship, consisting of the US and its allies banding together to violently squash any attempts to challenge their vision of the world and upend the liberal world order. 

When Putin ordered his troops to invade Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the US and 36 other industrial democracies unleashed an unprecedented package of economic sanctions against Russia.  In a span of ten days, among other things, they froze Russian's central bank reserves, expelled its banks from the global financial system, shut it off from the debt market, and cut off high-tech exports.

In one stroke, the Liberal dictatorship transformed Russian into a colossal North Korea, banished from the world economy and doomed to arrested development. The ordinary Russian citizens, who had nothing to do with Putin's decision to attack Ukraine, have to bear the brunt of sanctions that wiped out fifteen years of economic development. Thanks to the west. the entire country is subject to rampant inflation, scarcity, long lines, and stunted infrastructure development.

In doing so, even though no military might had been used, the Liberal dictatorship did not hesitate to set in motion the destruction of the Russian economy and society. In a way, this bloodless onslaught to the economic and social fabric of a country is as lethal as the Russian bloody and messy conquest of its Ukrainian neighbor. 

To protect its geopolitical interests, the Liberal dictatorship decided to cut off 144 million Russians from the global world economy while it decries the suffering of 44 million Ukrainians.

The act of applying economic sanctions against other countries should be treated as a crime against humanity. Waging war against against a country's leadership and its military should not involve waging war against its civilian population.

The western unprecedented response to the Russian 'bad" war against Ukraine marked the apotheosis of the Liberal dictatorship. By exerting their financial clout and parading their military might , the US and its allies are the final arbiters of wars. In the name of defending and spreading democracy, they can wage wars to exterminate "terrorists" and occupy countries they judge unfriendly. The invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan by the US-led international coalition are "good" wars; the killings of civilian Iraqis and Afghans are just "collateral damages." 

The Liberal dictatorship stays mum about the ongoing war between Yemen and Saudi Arabia, which has killed 350,000 Yemenis and created "the largest humanitarian crisis in the world" according to UNICEF. Where is the west's moral outrage and public condemnation of the Yemen war?

Why is there more moral outrage towards the war in Europe than towards the carnage in the Middle East?

Like all dictatorships, the Liberal dictatorship is highly selective when it comes to taking the moral high ground and applying its moral standards to the world. 

The Liberal dictatorship, rather than Russia's territorial ambitions, is the biggest threat to the world. It attempts to hoist liberal democracy as the ultimate, infallible truth and form of government that all countries should adopt. By demonizing other forms of government, the Liberal rhetoric has morphed into a crusading religion that tramples nations' sovereignty. This Liberal teleology is another form of tyranny and oppression hidden behind a smoke screen of questionable propaganda about freedom, self-determination, and peace.


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